Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Kazdan's Oregon trip

Kazdan got to see Elder Batey

while on his trip to Oregon.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Elder Batey

Jordan sent his chip home with some new pictures!!! Yeah!!

Summer went too fast!!

We have had a great summer enjoying family from all over. With a couple quick trips to Louisiana and Mississippi and even to Lake O The Pines in Eastern Texas for a family reunion. With lots of sweating in the heat and enjoying a nice dip in the lake..we have ended our summer vacation. Kazdan has spent the last three weeks in Oregon to visit Grandma Irene and to help her and Uncle Karl work around his shop. I think he has really enjoyed his long visit...but will be super excited to come home! We (especially mom) have missed him dearly. It is hard when both of the big boys are away in Oregon. He did get to see Elder Batey a couple of times and seemed to be the highlight of his trip. We all are a little jealous. ;)
All in all...it is almost time for school to start. I can't believe that this is the last week before school starts. Where did the time go..all the fun and projects we wanted to get done for the summer...have come and gone.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer is HERE!!

We are having a great time relaxing, swimming, cleaning and enjoying our summer. We are still so busy..haven't had time to add (or even take) any recent pictures! We hope everyone is having a great summer. We look forward to seeing friends and family as we get further into the summer. The kids have alot of activities such as EFY, Youth Conference, Float Trips, Camps, Family Reunions, not to mention staying up late and sleeping in late! Dad sure loves us for that one! We are so lucky to have a Dad that works so hard for us during the summer, so we can PLAY!! Thanks Dad!! We also have alot of celebrations to enjoy in June. Derek had a birthday on the first of June. Our 22nd Ann. was on the 5th, Kylee turned 11 on the 7th, Gracee turns 4 on the 16th, and Eathan turns 7 on the 24th.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Elder Batey

Elder Batey

Jordan sent some pictures home. We wanted to share a few.

Gracee-Preschool Program

Kylee playing volleyball

Here are a couple shots of Kylee in action!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day!

We had a wonderful Mother's Day for Beth today. She had breakfast in bed, followed by a few gifts. We had a great day at church and rushed home to wait for Jordan's Mother's Day phone call. Well a few minutes after he said he would call, the phone rang! We were able to talk to him for over an hour!! He sounded good...but tired. It was good to hear his voice and all the kids were able to talk to him. We can't believe we only have one more phone call (at Christmas) before he comes home. We are very proud of him.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Kaz get's stitches

Well, it was bound to happen. Kaz put his head, or more like his lip, in the way of someone's head at basketball practice on Friday. I got a call at work from the school nurse who said the cut was a little to big to put a butterfly strip on it. So Kaz and I went to the hospital and they put 5 stitches in his lip! They told him to ice it really good for the first 24 hours...which he didn't do, so it was all swollen. Well, now after a few days, the swelling has gone down and he looks like he'll be as good as new once the stitches are removed and the cut has a little time to heal.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

McKenzee inducted into National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)

Tonight, McKenzee was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society at her school! We are so proud of her! Her hard work and dedication has paid dividends. Way to go Kenzee!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Kazdan Makes Eagle Scout!!

Today, Kazdan went into the Eagle Scout Board of review and passed! We are so proud of him. He said the review went really well and he was stressing over nothing. We now have 2 Eagle Scouts in our family and have 10 years before Eathan needs to be at his Board of Review. :)

Again, congratulations Kazdan!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Kylee making the Honor Roll

Beth and the Kids

Spring pictures with Gracee and Eathan

McKenzee's first Hurdle race

Here is McKenzee at her first Hurdle race! She did great and didn't hit one hurdle.

Kaz finishes his Eagle Project!!

With the help of the other Scouts, Kaz, FINALLY finished his project. Now all he has to do is pass the board of review.