Monday, April 20, 2009

Kaz get's stitches

Well, it was bound to happen. Kaz put his head, or more like his lip, in the way of someone's head at basketball practice on Friday. I got a call at work from the school nurse who said the cut was a little to big to put a butterfly strip on it. So Kaz and I went to the hospital and they put 5 stitches in his lip! They told him to ice it really good for the first 24 hours...which he didn't do, so it was all swollen. Well, now after a few days, the swelling has gone down and he looks like he'll be as good as new once the stitches are removed and the cut has a little time to heal.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

McKenzee inducted into National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)

Tonight, McKenzee was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society at her school! We are so proud of her! Her hard work and dedication has paid dividends. Way to go Kenzee!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Kazdan Makes Eagle Scout!!

Today, Kazdan went into the Eagle Scout Board of review and passed! We are so proud of him. He said the review went really well and he was stressing over nothing. We now have 2 Eagle Scouts in our family and have 10 years before Eathan needs to be at his Board of Review. :)

Again, congratulations Kazdan!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Kylee making the Honor Roll

Beth and the Kids

Spring pictures with Gracee and Eathan

McKenzee's first Hurdle race

Here is McKenzee at her first Hurdle race! She did great and didn't hit one hurdle.

Kaz finishes his Eagle Project!!

With the help of the other Scouts, Kaz, FINALLY finished his project. Now all he has to do is pass the board of review.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Elder Batey's 20th Birthday

Here is Elder Batey being spoiled by a family in Oregon on his birthday.
Happy Birthday Bub!

Christmas 2008

Here is our Family Christmas card for 2008. Our first without Jordan!